Wednesday at tm32: The Soundscape Day

Experience the Soundscape Day at tmt32 in Düsseldorf!

This year, the first day of the Tonmeistertagung will focus intensively on the topic of soundscapes. If you have always wanted to dive deeper into the acoustic worlds of soundscape design and the associated modern possibilities of design, you should mark 08.11.2023 in red in your calendar!

To start with, Prof. Sabine Breitsameter will focus attention on the acoustic environment and on the perception of the sound worlds in which we - in everyday life, media, culture and art - exist. Complementing this, Klaus Schüller will discuss the role of soundscapes in media-aesthetic education and address corresponding pedagogical approaches towards an integrative, ecological approach to listening. Afterwards, Robin Wiemann will explain in a workshop report about 3D audio productions and soundscapes, immersive auditory creations and their relation to Acoustic Ecology.

As a special highlight, Aleksandar Vejnovic will present an auditory ecology community project, the Hörweg Dieburg: "Mit dem Ohr unterwegs im Dieburger Forst" ("With the Ear on the Move in Dieburg Forest"), which can be experienced interactively as part of tmt32.

Want to see more of the program? You can find all tmt32 events in our online calendar.